Monthly Archives: September 2014

Shy Girl Sketch

Howdy y’all,

This one is a bit different. I only used 2B pencil with the outline drawn in thin permanent marker (so professional).

As usual, I copied someone else’s work (do I have no imagination >O> ?) BUT! As usual (again) I altered some parts of the head majorly. I made the hair not as poofy, the eyes I changed a bit to made her look more shy and cute. And  those glasses? The original didn’t even have glasses! Don’t you think the glasses just made her more adorable? And for once, my picture looks better than the original! I am so super proud ^D^
Because I’m so brave I’ll give you a comparison: (please don’t kill me, please don’t kill me, please don’t…)

Comparison to Shy Girl Sketch
Comparison to Shy Girl Sketch
Shy Girl Sketch - September 2014
Shy Girl Sketch


I came across the original when I was looking for, wait for it, kissing couples as I know how much you all loved my ‘oscillating couple’ as shown below. I’m thinking of drawing another couple so if you have any ideas, please don’t hesitate to say so!

Couple Osculating - March 2014
Couple Osculating – March 2014






And as we come to the end of another post, here is the thing we have all been waiting for: the large version of the drawing as I have already shown you it as a comparison. Who doesn’t love a big picture of a scanned drawing?

Shy Girl Sketch - September 2014
Shy Girl Sketch – September 2014

Fan Art – Fruits Basket: Kyo

Howdy y’all,

Following up on my recent Fruits Basket slight obsession, as well as Stephanie’s request, I drew Kyo Sohma. God he is so awesome, especially at the end of the manga…

In the アニメ (anime), Kyo’s bracelet is black with white beads and in the まんが (manga), the beads are red and pink (SPOILER ALERT not really) bones. Since Steph’s only seen the Anime, I decided to go with the black and white (anyway, red and pink don’t suit him).

I guess I should write a bit of background on him, and Fruits Basket while I’m at it…
Fruits Basket (aka Furuba) centres on Tohru Honda and the 12 Zodiacs. The Sohma family is ‘cursed’ to turn into their form of Zodiac creature when hugged by the opposite sex or are weak. For example Kyo is the Cat and turns into this form when a girl (like Tohru) hugs him.
At the start of the manga/anime Kyo is a person who gets riled up quite easily and I just loved this personality. Later in the manga, his flames get lower and lower and becomes a mature man. He can also make very good  おにぎり (onigiri, rice balls)…

If you love Kyo, then you have to watch Fruits Basket to support him~ (nudge nudge, wink wink)

Kyo Sohma - September 2014
Kyo Sohma – September 2014

Chinese Zodiac Gijinka: Rabbit

Howdy y’all,

After watching, then reading, Fruits Basket I just had to make up my own Zodiac of people! Even though the Rat is technically the first animal on the Chinese Zodiac, I decided since the majority of my friends were born in the year of the Rabbit, I would do the Rabbit first.

To create this character, I first went onto a whole bunch of sites explaining (supposedly) what a person’s characteristics would be being born in that specific year. I didn’t take these to heart but I couldn’t resist looking at the year of the Dragon!

After having decided on the personality, I went onto designing their hair. Hair, to me, makes a manga/anime person recognisable. If everyone had the same hair but different clothes, I’m pretty sure I would have a hard time identifying who was who.
So after choosing the hairstyle and colour, I made a wardrobe of clothes that would suit the characteristics of my gijinka. I went onto the internet to look up real life clothes (as opposed to drawn clothes)  to give me an idea of how to draw them. For the Rabbit, I gave him overalls (the fashionable ones, not the working ones) and a bucket hat. I just looove bucket hats. They’re sooo cute!

Anyway, after being tortured by me explaining the drawing process, without further ado here is my Rabbit. The Fruits Basket equivalent is Momiji (the cute half German-half Japanese blonde below). Guess how old he is!

Momiji Sohma - The Rabbit
Momiji Sohma – The Rabbit









I really need to come up with a name for my Rabbit

Chinese Zodiac Gijinka: Rabbit - September 2014
Chinese Zodiac Gijinka: Rabbit – September 2014

Horse Rider

Howdy y’all,

This upload was a request from a friend of mine. When I asked her “What would you like me to draw?”, she simply answered “A horse”.
How could I possibly draw a manga horse when manga is a comic style of drawing, mainly of people? And so hence the greatest challenge since getting man into the sky.
Following this was a tale so great and epic that I can’t translate it into words, but it involved a lot of research (watching anime), a lot of drawing and rubbing out (my eraser disappeared into nothingness), and a lot of time (two hours).
And here is the final result!

Horse Rider - August 2014
Horse Rider – August 2014

Chibi Practise

Howdy y’all,

I recently received some manga pitt pens, textas that allow strokeless block colouring (though I’m not convinced), and decided to practise on some chibis (as they are small and require a very small range of colours). Here they are! Expect some female chibis in the near future }:P

Male Chibis - August 2014
Male Chibis – August 2014

Fan Art – TWEWY: Yoshiya (Joshua) Kiryu

Howdy y’all,

It’s been a while since I last updated, hasn’t it? I’m not trying to make excuses but for those who are (slightly) interested, the reason is that my most recent project is to do the Chinese Zodiac as a form of Gijinka where they look as close to the animal without the help of headbands, tails, ears etc.. That and that I kept forgetting to upload what I had already done in August (August already!? Time sure flies by).

Now a little about Josh. Joshua Kiryu is (without spoilers) a fifteen-year-old smart alec, who’s insufferably snotty attitude only serves to widen the gulf between him and Neku but his knowledge, especially about the Game, does earn him some points. He is also Neku’s second partner.
Though Joshua is deep down lonely as his childhood was without many friends. You have to feel sorry for the guy. Besides, how can you not like the prissy kid?

I attempted at drawing him due to the massive success involving Sho Minamimoto. This one didn’t rise as high… But! Nevertheless, I had fun while doing so and that’s the important bit! Have a great day!

Yoshiya (Joshua) Kiryu - August 2014
Yoshiya (Joshua) Kiryu – August 2014