‘Like’ Button on its Way

Howdy y’all,

I asked my bro (Nessie) if it was possible to add a ‘like’ button (from popular demand, not me being all egotistical) and he said “Yes,it is possible” and so in the next few days, Nerstor will be working on a ‘like’ button for you all. How lovely. But in the meantime, you call all look in wonder at my most recent(after this) post: The Sexy Witch Girl.

Have fun and Chell out

About Generic Luser

Howdy y'all, this be a site where I upload a whole bunch of junk that I like. I can draw whatever you want, whenever you want (when I get a round tuit - ha ha, inside joke). Some stuff I like includes dragons (obviously), manga, anime, Japan, good books, life not-so-much, drawing to music, drawing, music, not drawing hands nor feet and some other stuff. Anyway, I'm cool. I'm awesome. I am totally not going to kill you for not commenting...

4 thoughts on “‘Like’ Button on its Way

  1. IKR! And i have no homework i need to do NOW. so stupid. I was panicking coz i couldn’t do my science thing and had to rely on naleesha. and then as soon as i have absolutely no homework it starts working. THANKS INTERNET YOU ARE SO RELIABLE

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