Fan Art – Wolf Children: Ame

Howdy y’all,

I’m not so sure over how this turned out. As I didn’t have the colours I had to make do with what I had so in that aspect I don’t like it. The lineart is okay I guess…

During the holidays I rented an amazing anime movie called Wolf Children that, to keep a long story short, is about a mum who falls in love with a wolf man and then has two children who have to decide if they want to be human or wolf and live in the suited world. It’s a cute film that left me pondering with emotion, and I’ll probably end up doing a review on it later (if I ever end up getting around to doing reviews, or comics for that matter).
I loved it so much, I drew one of the main characters: Ame. In this picture I drew him as a four year old and a ten/twelve year old (they didn’t specify how old he was later in the film). So in the picture, you’ll see the same person, but in different ages as he grows up in the movie.

And without further ado, here is cute, adorable, ‘mamma’s boy’ Ame!

Ame - July 2014
Ame – July 2014

About Generic Luser

Howdy y'all, this be a site where I upload a whole bunch of junk that I like. I can draw whatever you want, whenever you want (when I get a round tuit - ha ha, inside joke). Some stuff I like includes dragons (obviously), manga, anime, Japan, good books, life not-so-much, drawing to music, drawing, music, not drawing hands nor feet and some other stuff. Anyway, I'm cool. I'm awesome. I am totally not going to kill you for not commenting...

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