Fan Art – TWEWY: Sho Minamimoto

Howdy y’all,

You’ve all seen and heard about the protagonist Neku, but what about the main antagonist? Meet the maths-crazy villain Sho Minamimoto!

But first, a little background (who doesn’t love a little background?).
At 18 (18!? He looks about twenty!), Sho is the youngest Game Master of the Reapers in Shibuya.  Sho excels in all areas but one – cooperation. More of a mathematician than a battler, he can’t help but put in a mathematical term in every conversation he comes across to the point of obsession and perhaps mental instability.
But how can you not love him? Many a fan of TWEWY say that Sho Minamimoto was their favourite character and can’t help but quote him. The most famous quote being “So zetta slow” which is repeated several times in the game.

And here is a trivia fact (who doesn’t love a bit of trivia?):
Sho was dubbed “Pi-Face” by Neku and Beat and is called that on several occasions. Fittingly enough, Sho’s HP in his regular form is 3141 (the first four digits of Pi), and his Week Three form has 5926 HP (the next four digits of Pi). Sho is also called the “Grim Heaper” by Neku due to the garbage piles he builds during Week Two and the fact that he is a reaper.

Well, how about that? If you go here you can find plenty more on everyone’s favourite mathematician. Man, Sho makes maths fun.

Sho Minamimoto - August 2014
Sho Minamimoto – August 2014


About Generic Luser

Howdy y'all, this be a site where I upload a whole bunch of junk that I like. I can draw whatever you want, whenever you want (when I get a round tuit - ha ha, inside joke). Some stuff I like includes dragons (obviously), manga, anime, Japan, good books, life not-so-much, drawing to music, drawing, music, not drawing hands nor feet and some other stuff. Anyway, I'm cool. I'm awesome. I am totally not going to kill you for not commenting...

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